Tree of Life Basila

A generation of brave, empowered women, who know their worth, and are influencing Manenberg and beyond

Basila is a family who embraces young girls wanting to rewrite their story.  A home to find freedom from addictions, escape from damaging relationships and become all they were created to be. We are creating a home that looks at the whole person and provides physical, emotional, spiritual and educational support.  Basila will be a home where girls are loved extravagantly, loved from vulnerable girls into brave, strong, free women.

How do we do it?

The heart behind Basila is family, redeeming the picture of family, and understanding that in family, girls will find identity and freedom. Our girls need a place where they can be children again, before they can learn to be adults. A lot of their stories are far too grown up for their age and we want to give them the opportunity to process and heal from what has gone before, but we also want to call them into their identity as brave, strong women, able to impact a community.

Living alongside house parents, the girls will follow a rhythm of life that enables them to grow and look forward to their futures, but also deals with the trauma in their pasts. Our hope is to do this in partnership with their families, with the goal of reconciliation, but we also recognise that for some girls, that just won’t be possible.

Our life rhythms include?

Education: homeschooling/tutoring the girls to their academic potential and helping them develop a picture of what their future could look like, accessing the necessary resources, and creating a supportive environment to do so

Spiritual: mentoring and spiritual input, introducing the girls to Jesus and a lifestyle of being a follower of Jesus and participation in our church family, Tree of Life

Psychosocial: accessing appropriate therapeutic care for the needs of each individual girl

Social: teaching the girls what a healthy family life can look like; eating meals together, supporting one another and lots of love!

Creativity: a space to tap in to different activities and to inspire: dance, art, creative writing, crafts

Meet the team

Tree of Life - Leigh Newton
Tree of Life - Nash Peters
Tree of Life - Nakeeba Salie
Tree of Life - Dev Williams
Tree of Life - Nakeeba Salie

What do we need?

We love prayer! Why not commit to interceding for us. Drop us a message and we’ll email you with a girl or team member’s name that you can be praying specifically for over a period of time. Givers who want to sow monthly into the girls’ time with us, towards their education, day to day living and extracurricular activities, please get in touch or click below.



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