Our People

We love Jesus, we love Manenberg and we love each other.

These loves are our main motivation in cultivating a shared life of faith and hope.

We aim to live in generative contradiction to the spirit of apartheid - relationally, economically and spiritually.

We believe that there's a dynamic interrelationship between the health of marginalised communities and the general social scene. This leads us to believe that Cape Town’s transformation is inextricably linked to the transformation of Manenberg.

Our life together involves meeting in living rooms in small pockets across Manenberg, and gathering together as an extended family. We live out our love for each other and community day to day, in each other’s home, and through some of the work we do together.

24-7 Prayer

Quarterly, we run weeks of 24-7 prayer. We see these as central to our running, a time to stop, regroup, see where God is moving and align ourselves. We are part of the global 24-7 prayer movement, and are excited to see the movement grow in Africa.

Check out more on their website www.24-7prayer.com

The Core Team

The Board

We want to see each generation impacted by the love of Jesus, the whole family picture redeemed, a community who is living the abundant life promised by Jesus. Our part in this story is a few small ministries with big visions, small numbers of people who might just change the story of Manenberg forever.


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